
6 sigma in small businesses: Is it a must-have or a good-to-have?

Six sigma is often associated with large businesses which have the manpower and the required funding to identify, deploy and sustain such projects.  But this thought process is becoming obsolete as more and more business owners are becoming aware of the application and benefits of  sigma in their organisations. Certainly, there are a few constraints …

6 sigma in small businesses: Is it a must-have or a good-to-have? Read More »

Lean and six sigma: Better Together

Six Sigma and Lean Methodologies, are often used interchangeably. Both processes are in essence continuous improvement processes that work towards the same goal of making organisational workflows more effective, reducing waste and driving out inefficiencies.   Lean is a bottom-to-top approach which encourages the members of the organisation to identify deficiencies or wastes in the …

Lean and six sigma: Better Together Read More »

LeanSixSigma and its application in the hospitality sector

In the post-pandemic era,  hospitality firms, big and small, are looking for innovative ways to cut costs and stay afloat while keeping customers happy. The key here is to improve efficiency in the work processes through implementation of processes that are proven to generate results. The lean six sigma methodology fits right in to this …

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Written by: Mayur M Reviewed by: Dr. Anita Stalin (PhD) LeanSixSigma In current business scenarios, with fast growing competitiveness, control over manufacturing, service, productivity and customer satisfaction becomes tougher and more challenging. In this space, Lean and Six Sigma (LSS) synergies become ‘key’ towards targeted business strategies that enhance productivity and customer satisfaction and there …


What is LeanSixSigma

Written by: Christabelle Dsouza Reviewed by: Dr. Anita Stalin (PhD) LeanSixSigma  is a managerial approach, focussed on a team, that seeks to improve the team’s performance by reducing waste and shortcomings of physical resources, effort, time and talent.  The lean six sigma process combines the tools and methods of six sigma along with lean manufacturing …

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