Training and implementation of Lean Six Sigma methodologies
to enhance process flows, reduce waste and increase customer loyalty are on the rise globally. In fact, adaptation of lean six sigma is considered one of the most powerful transformational steps that any business can take to ensure success. Consequently, certified lean six sigma experts are in demand across organisations.
If you are thinking of expanding your horizons with a lean six sigma certification, choosing the course that suits you best is imperative.
Here are 3 helpful tips to make the choice best suited to your needs:
- Define your goals and stick to them:Before you go ahead with choosing a certification course, understand what would be your goals.
Reading and retrospection are the 2 key elements in your goal definition purposes. Once you start reading and researching on the subject, you will be able to clearly define your end objective.
Discussing your thought processes with your employer will also help refining your goals and putting things in perspective.
Writing down your key goal and some secondary goals will help you evaluate whether the course you are opting for will help meet those goals.
- Be well-informed:Information about various courses can be gathered from many sources, and reading up about them online is just one of them. A telephone or video call with the prospective course providers or a discussion with someone who has completed the course will go a long way in making the right decision.
Remember to make notes about all the information you have gathered. This works as a good reference point.
- Understand which level of certification will work best for you: Lean six sigma certifications are offered as yellow, green and black belt. Both green and yellow belt courses do not have any stringent eligibility criteria. Choose the best fit for you after a discussion with an expert.
If you have been inspired to take up a lean six sigma course, it is important to get started on these three pointers to choose the course that best suits your need. Remember, “Without a sense of urgency, desire loses its value.”